At we believe in certain rights, rights such as freedom to become what you want to become, freedom to speak your mind, freedom to work and vote and live and play; freedom to live a good life. We also believe in children.
And we believe children should have clothing. Which is why we started our Tees for Kids charitable donation program.
Tees for Kids is a promise to ourselves, a promise made at various times in our lives and in various places around the world.
Here's what we promise: for every 50 tees we sell, no matter how cheap, we'll donate 2 shirts to charity.
Why 2?
One for boys.
One for girls.
It's an attempt to do our part in alleviating a world-wide problem: Child suffering and children going naked.
We already use a local charity and two homeless shelters, but we're more than happy to consider any reputable charity our customers put forward, and we're currently compiling a list of national and international charities to broaden our outreach. We hope to donate thousands of tees to clothe those who need it most, and we hope you'll join in the effort.
So. Thank you for buying from, and thank you for helping us help children. Even two shirts means two less without something to wear.
The BT Team